Horsemanship & Riding Lessons

Experience fun, build relationships with horses, and develop riding skills in our comprehensive lesson program at Graceful Oaks!
Our 50-minute Basic Horsemanship lessons cover everything from groundwork to horse handling and riding. Lessons are provided all year, weather permitting.
Ensure your spot by reserving at the start of each month, arriving at the Ranch 10-15 minutes before your lesson.
Please be sure your kid(s) are rigged out in weather-appropriate attire, complete with sturdy closed-toe shoes. Be mindful these lessons are conducted outside and your child may need water, sunscreen, sunglasses, etc.
All lessons are non-refundable. Please note that ranch activities will be canceled under weather conditions below 32 degrees or in case of unsafe snow, ice or rain. In such instances, notifications will be sent via email or text and a credit will be applied to your account for future use.